Girls Trip to Cabo San Lucas

Every year my grandma, mom & aunt go on a girls trip to Cabo San Lucas.  For the past five years my sister, cousins & myself have joined on several occasions.  This year, however, was very special because it was the first time that all eight of us went at the same time!  It's always a fun trip but this year was amazing because all the girls were together, which has been a goal of everyones for a long time.

We stayed in Cabo for one week & it was such a relaxing, laid back vacation.  We went to the beach, got massages, went snorkeling, had fabulous dinners, hung out at the pool, took a day trip to Todos Santos, went dancing, sailed on a pirate ship & so much more...

Girls Trip to Cabo San Lucas | Forever Fuller

Our days consisted of going to the beach or pool & our nights were reserved for getting dressed up & going to dinner.  We went to our regular restaurants & hang out spots, but we also tried quite a few new places this year.  Three of the new restaurants we visited we absolutely loved!  I think they will be added to the list for next time :) 

Another new thing we did this year was take a day trip to Todos Santos.  Todos Santos is about one hour north of Cabo & is the cutest little town!  We rented a car & drove up in the morning.  Once we got there, we found the sweetest cafe to have breakfast.  We sat in a courtyard with plants & flowers surrounding us -- so beautiful!  

Todos Santos is an artsy town, so there were many art galleries for us to walk through.  It was so much fun getting to see different artists work.  We all purchased some beautiful artwork by Arturo Mendoza Elfeo (you should definitely check him out!) & had drinks/chips & salsa at the Hotel California before heading back to Cabo.

Some other highlights from the trip for me were snorkeling, going on a pirate ship booze cruise & of course, spending time with my family!  

I snorkeled for the first time back in 2014 on our trip to Cabo.  It was so much fun & I loved being able to swim in the ocean & look at pretty fish.  I knew I wanted to do that again this year, so on the day that we went to Lovers Beach, we rented some snorkel gear & my sister & I spent quite a bit of time out in the water.

We decided to try something a little different this year for the booze cruise.  We decided to do the pirate ship version this time!  We are all so glad that we did.  It was so entertaining!  The show went above our expectations, the food & drinks were great & we all had the best time.  The crew heavily interacted with the customers & were hilarious, the music was good, too!  I highly recommend it if you are going to be in Cabo!

Another successful trip in the books, it was nothing short of amazing!  Everyone got along, we had a ton of fun & tried some new things.  I want to thank my mom, grandma, aunt, sister & cousins for making this the best Cabo girls trip yet!  Especially my mom. grandma & aunt for everything they did with planning & making sure all of us girls had a great time.  Thank you!!  Now, who is ready for next year? ;) XOXO

Cannon Beach

Happy Friday! 

Last weekend, we decided to take a little impromptu trip to the Oregon coast.  Miesha came with us & we also asked my sister & her boyfriend to tag along.  We had such a great day!  It was Miesha's first time to the coast where she could actually run around on the beach & play in the waves.  It was so much fun watching her!  We had never been to Cannon Beach before & it was so beautiful!  As we were driving through the town, we saw Haystack Rock lurking in the mist & we were all awestruck at how pretty it was.  Although it was cloudy, it wasn't terribly cold!  It was a gorgeous day all the same :) 

After we spent some time on the beach, we went into town.  I had to stop & get a new pair of shoes because the waves got my socks & sneakers wet (of course).  After that, we went to the candy store to get all types of goodies & then to dinner.  We ate at a restaurant called Driftwood -- it was really good!  We sat outside on the deck around a table that had a fire pit built into it.  (You may have seen it if you followed along on my Instagram story!)

Here are a few pictures that Sean took from our day:

I hope you have a great weekend!  XOXO