Apple Picking

We spent the last day of September & the last day of Sean’s paternity leave at a gorgeous farm on Mt. Hood picking apples. Although cloudy, it wasn’t raining or too cold which made for a comfortable walk through the orchard.

There were plenty of different fruits to pick from, we picked Gala & Golden Delicious apples. I’ve wanted to go apple picking for years & I was so happy to be able to go this year with Sean, Wyatt & Boden. The boys absolutely loved eating the apples! It was the cutest thing watching them hold apples in their tiny hands & take bites out of them.

Apple Picking | Forever Fuller
Apple Picking | Forever Fuller
Apple Picking | Forever Fuller
Apple Picking | Forever Fuller

It was the perfect way to conclude Sean’s leave, even though we really didn't want it to end! I hope this will become a new family tradition for us, as we pulled away from the farm I felt refreshed & happy. There is nothing in the world I love more than having precious moments like these with my boys.

I’ve already made the boys some apple sauce, it was a huge hit! Do you have any good recipes for Gala or Golden Delicious apples?

As you can imagine, we took about a million pictures! It was so hard to pick which photos to use for this post. If you are interested, you can click this link to view all of the photos from our day.