Life Update

Wow…I cannot believe that it has been two months since I’ve shared anything on the blog! Life has been so busy recently. The boys turned 10 months old on the 23rd & they are absolutely getting into EVERYTHING!

Here’s a little glimpse at what we’ve been up to over the last two months:

  • My little sister got married

  • I celebrated my 29th birthday

  • Our sweet baby nephew was born

  • Took another family trip to Disneyland

  • Sean & I had our 8th wedding anniversary

  • Celebrated the marriage of my sister & brother-in-law with an all-out party!

  • And of course…spent most of the time chasing around two almost toddlers

At the beginning of September, Sean took another three weeks off for paternity leave. It has been so nice having him around 24/7 for the past few weeks! He still has six days off & we are looking forward to spending some family time together, just us four! Since the beginning of his leave was jam-packed with vacations & family get-togethers, it will be nice to have a few days of downtime before he heads back to work.

His first week off we spent in Disneyland! We spent seven days at the parks & I have to admit…it was way harder than we thought it would be. We took the boys to Disneyland back in June & had so much fun! But, we had my parents there to help & we only stayed for four days. This time, Sean & I were on our own with the twins & the boys are bigger, more mobile & busier than before. We still had a great time & of course, can’t wait to go back :)

Like I mentioned earlier, Wyatt & Boden are 10 months old now. Wyatt has seven teeth & Boden has six. They are both pulling themselves up, eating more solid foods, talking/being goofy & my absolute favorite…playing with each other! I love to see them interacting, I hope they will be best friends when they are older.

As summer comes to an end, I’m looking forward to bringing some fun & fresh fall content to the blog. After all, this is my favorite time of year :)
