15 Month Update

The twins turned 15 months old yesterday. I can’t believe how independent they are becoming. These little boys are the best!

15 Month Update | Forever Fuller

They are both walking & love to chit chat. They are interacting with each other & it warms my heart to see them play together & have little conversations. I’m so glad that they have each other to grow up with! They are both obsessed with Miesha, they love to bounce & love on her.

15 Month Update | Forever Fuller

Wyatt is our little adventurer! He is a daredevil & loves to climb on things he isn’t supposed to, jump all over the place & make the funniest growling sound. Lately, he’s enjoying trying to figure things out (puzzles, shape sorters, stacking cups) & is the biggest sweetheart. He will come up to you & nuzzle his head into your shoulder… it makes my heart melt! He’s also very loving towards stuffed animals & likes to cuddle them & say “Awww!”

15 Month Update | Forever Fuller

Boden is a bit more shy & cautious than his brother. He is such a happy little man & you can make him smile/laugh so easily, he’s always been that way! He tends to have a surprised look on his face (his mouth in the shape of an ‘O’) & says “oooooohh” constantly. He loves to be silly & make people laugh. If he does something to make someone laugh, he will do it over & over again! He is a book lover. One of his favorite things to do is sit down with a book & turn the pages.

As a family, here are a few things that we love to do: going on walks, being outside, going out to eat & of course, going to Disneyland! Our little guys have been to Disneyland four times & are such good little travelers. They are troopers to put up with their mom & dad ;)

We love you so much, Wyatt Lane & Boden Wilder!