Backyard Talk

Since we bought our house four years ago, we have slowly been working on our backyard. We began by putting in a big patio, a fence to divide our side from our tenants & a nice shed.

Our backyard, although very large, isn’t very nice. It is uneven, the grass isn’t good & we have a huge mole problem. Sean recently removed all of the grass from our backyard so we could start fresh. He put in so much hard work & busted it out in one weekend!

The great thing is, we are working with a clean slate! We can take the time to decide what we want to do with this space. First things first, we have to get our mole problem taken care of. When that is under control, we can start with the fun stuff!

We’ve had many discussions about what we want out of our yard. I’ll share some of those ideas with you!

  1. A play area for the kids. Whether this be an actual play structure, swing set, sand box or a mud kitchen, we would love a place for the kiddos.

  2. Raised garden beds. For vegetables, flowers or a mix of both. I’ve been wanting some garden beds for quite some time!

  3. A fire pit. We already have a fire pit on our patio but one of our ultimate goals is to have a fire pit & sitting area out in the yard somewhere.

  4. Outdoor dining. We would love to utilize our patio as an outdoor dining room with a long table so we can enjoy meals outside with our family & friends. We recently sold our patio furniture with the intent of making this space a better area for dining.

You can peep at my outdoor spaces Pinterest board if you’d like to see some of our inspiration!

Lastly, what is a blog post without some pictures of the boys? Here they are getting a little dirty & helping dad out back! I’d like to think they are directing Sean as to where to put a play structure 😆 (I’m looking at you, Wyatt!)

Okay, how cute are those pictures & why are toddlers in rain boots so irresistible?!
