Apple Picking: Year Two

Last September, we went apple picking for the first time as a family. I mentioned in this post from last year that I hoped it would become a family tradition for us. I’m so happy that we were able to go for the second time earlier this week!

We visited the same orchard on Mt. Hood & this time, the boys did most of the picking. It was a gorgeous, sunny fall day. Since it is late September & because we were up on the mountain, I was expecting it to be a little chilly but it was perfect! I actually got a little sweaty chasing around two toddlers! πŸ˜…

Wyatt & Boden had a great time picking the apples. They were very focused & loved putting them into the bucket. Last year, they ate a good share of the apples. This year, I don’t think either of them took a single bite! They were too busy picking them & it was adorable watching how involved they were.

Now, I just need to figure out what to make with all of the apples we picked! Maybe I will attempt to make my first apple pie?

We can’t wait for year three!
