Apple Picking: Year Two

Last September, we went apple picking for the first time as a family. I mentioned in this post from last year that I hoped it would become a family tradition for us. I’m so happy that we were able to go for the second time earlier this week!

We visited the same orchard on Mt. Hood & this time, the boys did most of the picking. It was a gorgeous, sunny fall day. Since it is late September & because we were up on the mountain, I was expecting it to be a little chilly but it was perfect! I actually got a little sweaty chasing around two toddlers! πŸ˜…

Wyatt & Boden had a great time picking the apples. They were very focused & loved putting them into the bucket. Last year, they ate a good share of the apples. This year, I don’t think either of them took a single bite! They were too busy picking them & it was adorable watching how involved they were.

Now, I just need to figure out what to make with all of the apples we picked! Maybe I will attempt to make my first apple pie?

We can’t wait for year three!


September Recap

I can't believe that tomorrow is October 1st & that September is already over!  I must say, this month has flown by.  September is one of my favorite months.  It's the month that my husband & I started dating & also the month that we got married! Different years though, of course ;) I love the beginning of fall; the air gets a little crisper, the leaves begin to change colors & everything smells & feels so much better to me.  It's so refreshing, especially after a hot summer.

This month has been a busy one.  Obviously, I've been lacking in blog posts...but at least I'm getting one done before the official end of the month, right? ;) We attended two weddings, celebrated our five year wedding anniversary, took a few day trips, celebrated my brothers birthday, worked some more on our house (never ending project, I tell ya) & we were even able to take a few days to go visit Sean's sister in Spokane.

Last year for our anniversary, we bought a nice camera so that we could take up photography as a hobby & as a couple.  We have had so much fun learning together & this month we have really been getting some good use out of it!  Most of the time this entails getting up super early so that we can catch the sunrise for good lighting.  I am definitely not a morning person, but I have really enjoyed these early mornings with Sean.  It gets us outside & spending time with each other, which has been wonderful!  Here are some of the pictures that Sean has taken this month, with the exception of the one of him...I took that! :)

Doesn't he do a great job?!  I am continually amazed at how good of a photographer he is becoming, I can't wait to see how his pictures turn out as he continues this passion.  I am looking forward to learning more about it, too!

To officially say goodbye to summer, we lit our fire pit last night.  It was a perfect way to wrap up one season & move on to another.  I'm now ready to wholeheartedly welcome fall!  Bring on all of the pumpkin scented candles, haunted corn mazes, fall decorating, kettle corn & salted caramel mochas.  September may be one of my favorite months, but October is my favorite color :)

September Recap | Forever Fuller