31 Weeks Out!

The twins have been “out” for 31 weeks! For fun, I took a look back at my blog post from when I was 31 weeks pregnant. If you haven’t read it, you can read it here!

Apparently, I was really swollen when I wrote that blog post. Oh…if I only knew what was coming my way! Of course I didn't know it yet, but our boys would be here just 22 days after I posted that blog!

Reading that post brings back all of those memories of being uncomfortable. I remember having so much rib pain! And how hard it was to get out of bed in the middle of the night when I had to wake up 20,000 times to go to the bathroom.

Now, Wyatt & Boden are seven months old & are rolling all over the place. They are such happy boys & each have two teeth. They love to wiggle around when I’m changing them, making it nearly impossible to get them dressed.

Recently, they’ve started to really notice each other & it’s the sweetest thing when they laugh at one another. They are also obsessed with Miesha! Reaching for her & playing with her dog tags keep them entertained.

31 Weeks Out! | Forever Fuller
31 Weeks Out! | Forever Fuller

Boden gives the best hugs, is starting to say “dada” & you can make him laugh just by looking at him. Wyatt has the sweetest little voice, loves to jump in his jumper & has the cutest crooked smile.

They are such a joy, Sean & I are so blessed that these boys are ours! After we put them to bed each night, we can’t stop talking about how cute they are. They definitely have added more to our lives than we ever knew was possible. We love you, Wyatt & Boden!
